Olhos no Chão - A Student Epic Poem

Eyes on the Floor
- A Student Epic Poem

19 MAY | 21H00

60 min | 113 seats

With this thirtieth production, and after more than three decades of life, we wanted to reflect on what it is to be in university these days.

We wanted to talk about the fear of failure, the lack of employability after the course ends, the sexual harassment, the hazing, the psychotic outbursts that happen more and more frequently, and that one day may open the news as it happens in other countries. Using irony, written by us, this tragicomedy is inspired by real facts.


Text: André F. Dias e Rui Alves De Sousa (ARTEC)

Direção Plástica: Luz Maia

Staging: Marcantonio Del Carlo

Cast: Catarina Almeida, Miguel Esteves Pinto, Winnie Lourenço, Bruna Miranda, Filipa Correia , Rui Alves De Sousa, Constança Soares , André F. Dias, Mai Salmon