The sleeping voice
La Coquera Teatro (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)

The sleeping voice

20 MAIO | 18H30

55 min | 115 lugares | Espetáculo falado em catalão

'The woman who was going to die was named Hortensia.' This is how Dulce Charón’s novel begins: with the imminent death sentence of a militia woman in the Ventas prison at the end of the Civil War.

The story of a wait told by anonymous women forced to keep quiet, to remain silent, to silence their singing, their joy, to live in silence, to live with their own voices silenced.


Based on Dulce Chacón novel

Dramaturgy and Direction: Alberto Rizzo

Assistance: Noemí Llompart e Mario Mejías

Lighting and Sound: Joan Ignasi Martí Franco

Costume Designer: La Coquera Teatro

Production: Dramadhoc

Interpreted by: Lara Guillén, Elena Saldaña, Marina Francisco, Zaira Calero, Aina Rabadan, Berta Calvo, Eric Yelo, Josema Garber