Medeia - Associação Cultural Thíasos
Associação Cultural Thíasos


22 MAIO | 18H30

100 min | 142 seats

The play takes place the day in which Medea, a foreign princess that betrayed her homeland to run away with Jason, the leader of the heroic Argonauts, carries out her revenge after her husband left her and their children to marry the princess of Corinth.

In this adaptation of the classic text of Euripides, translated by Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira, we will dive into the internal conflicts of the protagonist while she carries out her crimes and the consequences of these actions for the other characters of this tragedy.


Translation: Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira

Adaptation and Staging: Arthur Montenegro

Production: Arthur Montenegro e Ricardo Acácio

Artistic Supervision: Julia Araujo

Scenery: Arthur Montenegro e Julia Araujo

Scenery Assistance: Inês Freitas

Figurines: Julia Araujo

Figurines Assistance: Inês Freitas

Makeup-Artist: Alexandra Seraphim e Giovanna Ferreira

Choreography: Ana Clara Dias e Beatriz Vilela

Musical Performance: Tiago Monteiro

Lightening: Arthur Montenegro

Publicity: Luisa Noleto

Graphic Design: Luisa Noleto e Eulália Marques

Stage Manager: Luisa Noleto

Interpreted by: Izabel de Rohan (Ama), Daniel Ribeiro (Creonte), Tiago Monteiro (Egeu), Beatriz Vilela, Daniel Ribeiro, Filipe Oscar, Tiago Monteiro e Valentina Mattar (Erínias), Beatriz Vilela (Creonte's daughter), Filipe Oscar e Tiago Monteiro (Creonte's Guards), Nuno Vasco (Jasão), Stéphanie Lopes (Medea Old Lady), Ana Clara Dias (Medea Maiden), Simone Duarte (Medea Mother)