Las Vegas Não Salva Suicidas
Las Vegas

Las Vegas Doesn’t Save Suicidals

23 MAY | 21H00

90 min | 113 seats

In the cold of a cold night, in a fire escape far away from Las Vegas, a murder happens. We follow in mosaics the dawn that precedes it, almost sneakily listening to the conversations.

A deported alentejana and a conformist aveirense talk about death, age, ignorance, precarity, and Theatre. They disagree and share half wrong half right facts. Las Vegas Doesn’t Save Suicidals is a play about children born from yelling, raised by a bunch of living kids that never died before.


Dramaturgy and Staging: Alice B. Ferreira

Text Correction: Lara R. Santos

Interpreted by: Pedro Leão e Rita Gonçalves

Production: Maria Saúde e Joana Ferreira

Scene Director: Tomás Júdice

Design and Lighting Operator: António Serrão

Documentary Director: Catarina Hipólito

Graphic Design and Photography/Video: Catarina Hipólito

Audio Composition: André Rodrigues

Scenery and Props: Nuno Redin

Fieldwork Production: Beatriz Henriques

Fieldwork Scene Director: Lara R. Santos