O meu caso

My Case

24 MAY | 21H00

60 min | 50 seats

The moment the representation of the play starts, a stranger enters the scene and states he’s going to reveal to everyone “his case”.

He questions, he’s there to tell his case, “the case of the Man”, conflict arises. A conflict that will extend itself to other employees of the Theatre and some spectators, that will become part of the scene. An interesting work, with some suspense and with all of his brilliance, José Régio shows in this play, one of his most common characteristics: the analysis of human relationships.


Script: José Régio

Interpreted by: Beatriz Laschi, Eva Costa, Fernando Chainço, Joana Faustino, Laura Aires e Sofia Roxo

Staging: Marina Albuquerque

Production: Laura Aires

Music: Fernando Chainço

Scenery: Nuno Orvalho

Lighting: Cláudio Botica Marto

Technical Operator: Luís Ribeiro