

25 MAY | 21H00

90 min | 497 seats

From the idea of a set of texts subordinated to the theme of Contradiction we proposed to ourselves a theatrical exercise that incites the reflection and dialogue about matters that surround and unsettle us.

Contradiction between what we feel and what we do, between what we are and what we show, in the obligation of “having to be, act or feel” as one “should”. Resulting from a work of monthly presentations we want to get together to share discomforts, in a movement that starts from the dramatic practice, to put together - and make common- what disquiets us.


Staging: Ana Isabel Augusto

Assistant Director: Miguel Costa

Cast: Pedro Roque, Henrique Tomás, Beatriz Almeida, Íris Rodrigues, Marta Laranjeira, Ema Oliveira, Camila Val, Mafalda Arcanjo, Marta Crespo, Diana Fernandes, Diogo Brites da Fonseca, Mafalda Oliveira Mataceta, Sara Pereira, Beatriz Roque, Ricardo Barata

Text: Criação coletiva