Visita Guiada Karnart
Guided Tour

Guided Tour to KARNART

16-17 MAY | 19H00

1h30 | 15 spots per session | free

The Gabinete Curiosidades Karnart (GCK) (Cabinet of Curiosities Karnart), headquarters and work space of the KARNART artistic creation and investigation collective since 2014, consists of different exhibition cores, a multipurpose room, a documentation centre and several work offices.

In it, artistic, scientific, ecological or social initiatives are developed. The expressions "cabinets of curiosity" and "wonder-rooms'' designate the places where, during the age of big explorations and discoveries of the 16th and 17th century, a multitude of rare or weird objects were collected from the three branches of biology of that time: animal, plant and mineral. The cabinets of curiosity, therefore, appeared during the Renaissance in Europe, and are the direct ancestors of Art and Natural History museums, having had a fundamental role in the development of modern science.

Inspired by that concept, Karnart - collective that in its artistic work frequently recurs to objects of Naturalia - named the space which would become a storage for the collection of peculiar objects that their mentors have collected since 1980, Cabinet of Curiosities Karnart. In the exhibition which you can visit in the GCK, Karnart meticulously installed their spoils in vitrines and closets, grouping them in thematic nuclei: naturalia/animalia, naturalia/vegetalia, naturalia/mineralia, crafts, textiles, eroticism, etc. None of the objects of the collection was collected in a way that damages the planet, or exploited in any way the craftsmen involved.

The advertisement of these two sessions of guided tours to the Cabinet of Curiosities KARNART, inserted in FATAL, wishes to value the museum practices connected to performative creation.

Image copyright: KARNART


More information:


Karnart C. P. A. O. A. - KARNART, Creation and Production of Artistic Objects, Association - is a non-profit private association whose social object is tied with the creation and production of artistic objects - visual, performative and audiovisual - centered around the concept of PERFINST. Professional collective of artistic research and creation, it operates in the area of disciplinary crossings, developing mainly interactive projects of great aesthetic dimension and strong interventive impact, focused on themes related to heritage values at risk of extinction, social minorities, animal rights, ecology and environment, etc.