Lembro-me de: canção para uma geração

I remember: a song for a generation

5 MAY | 19H30

1h30 | Subject to seat availability | free

Five actors, born between 1994 and 2002, inspired by the book "I Remember" by Joe Brainard, saying things that they remember of, they confuse memories, mix events, leading the play itself to oscillate between several disperse biographies and a biography of a generation.

This group is born from a meeting started at the University Theatre, namely the Grupo de Teatro da Nova (GTN), in 2015. It was during the staging of "O Percevejo" by Marina Albuquerque that two of the members of this group (Rita Poças e André Marques) met. In the following years they would attend a theatre school, the ACT - Escola de Actores, where they met the other members. Born between 1994 and 2002, the five performers of this play fulfil a certain idea of generation: they share references, dates and slang. That is one of the starting points for the show they present.

Doors open to collect invitations 2h before the start of the show

Image copyright: Rita Poças


Staging: André Marques

Written and interpreted by: André Marques, Bárbara Gomes, Nelson Sousa, Rita Poças e Rodrigo Machado