Um Ponto que Dança

Dancing Dot + Workshop
performance followed by workshop

06 MAY | 15H00

1 hour | children between 3 and 10 years of age and families | free
Aula Magna's Tribunes's Foyer (ULisboa's Rectory)

How many times do we feel like a dot in the middle of infinity? And how many times we imagine that the dot is connected to everything around us through thousands of other dots?

Dancing Dot is a staged reading and workshop, that explores the figurative and abstract imagination to tell the story of a dot: it tells its dances from childhood to adulthood, the challenges to find a place in the world and finally, its freedom.

This staged reading and workshops are based on the book "Dancing Dot".

Image copyright: Joana Linda



Creation and Orientation: Sara Anjo

Scenery: Martina Manyà

Sound Effects: Artur Pispalhas

Acknowledgements: Flora Detraz