Oficina de Fotografia de Teatro - MEF
Oficina de Fotografia de Teatro

Fotografia de Teatro

15 e 26 MAIO | 19h30 - 21h30

8 horas (mínimo) | 10 participantes | 90€/110€

The in collaboration with the University of Lisbon, promotes a Theatre Photography Workshop, for the complete photographic coverage of the 22nd Edition of FATAL - Festival Anual de Teatro Académico de Lisboa.

The Workshop is composed of a theoretical component about stage photography and a practical component that will take place throughout the whole festival. The practical part consists of doing stage photography of the plays that will be part of the festival and doing reportage photography of the environment surrounding the whole festival.

Work groups will be created for the coverage of the festival, coordinated in the field by the instructor Tânia Araújo and in the classrooms by the instructor Luís Rocha.

Participation in this workshop implies relinquishing a collection of images in digital format to the organisation of the festival, with the purpose of promoting the festival. The workshop and festival organisers are committed to respecting the copyright of the images.


  • Colour temperature
  • The right moment
  • The relationship with the actors and with the stage
  • Sensibilities, relation with the existing lighting
  • Grain and noise
  • Depth of field and selective focus
  • Stage photography composition
  • Focal distances, lens luminosity (effects and characteristics)
  • The photographer's positioning in the audience
  • Image copyright
  • Digital treatment of images in editing programs
  • Use of the Flash
  • Reportage photography

Course load
Theoretical component and image editing – 8 hours
Photographic practical component - throughout the festival

Schedule for the Theoretical component
May 15 from 19h30 to 21h30m

Schedule for the editing component, visualisation and discussion of images:
May 22 and 26 and June 2 from 19h30 to 21h30m

Schedule for the practical component
Throughout the festival according to the programme

Price of the Workshop
110€ (new students/non-associates)
90€ (University of Lisbon's students / MEF associates)

Theoretical and image editing sessions
Rua Norte Júnior, n.º 17 A/D, r/c, loja 1
1950-205 Bairro dos Lóios – Lisboa

Contacts and Registration
965 831 620 [Tânia Araújo]



MEF (Movimento de Expressão Fotográfica) is a non-profit Private Association which has been working for 20 years in the field of images, with a particular emphasis in photography, wanting to promote the fondness for it among the general public.
It is involved in seeking partnerships with institutions and associations in the social dynamization field in order to offer training to the public whose access to educational opportunities may be compromised, such as people with visual, motor or mental disabilities or people who are socially and/or economically underprivileged.
MEF also facilitates workshops and gatherings with other photographers and, in their formative activities, aims to create conditions so that, in an inclusive and supportive context, dialogues are established, creative thinking is generated and there is a constructive sharing of photographic experience.
We also aim to serve as a support platform so that the associates can develop competences in the photography field and can have opportunities to exhibit and promote their work.
Through their initiatives, MEF intends that all citizens have the same opportunities in the use of photography, democratising its access and enhancing its value as a creative tool.

Site: mef.pt